323 E Campbell Ave

Campbell, CA 95008


YUMILashes $150

YUMILashes is an advanced technique designed to boost and lift the natural eyelashes. The boosting and lifting effect lasts for 8-12 weeks, which is the natural life cycle of the eyelash.

This is not perm eyelashes! YumiLashes technology uses new innovations based on the improvement of the natural structure of each lash.

  • YUMILashes results are breathtaking!
  • The effect lasts up to 3 month.
  • NO lash extension
  • NO lash growth formula or mascara
  • NO lash curling perm

YUMILashes Pre-treatment Procedures

  • Eyelash Extensions need to be removed at least 3 days to 1 week prior to appointment 

  • For best results do not use waterproof mascara or curl your lashes 5 days prior to your treatment 

  • No eye makeup the day of your appointment. For example, mascara, eye shadow, eyeliner etc. 

  • Every client must fill out a waiver before starting treatment 

  • Remove any eye makeup with oil free makeup remover the day prior 

  • It’s recommended to wash your hair prior to your appointment because you may not for 48 hours after 

Post-treatment Procedures

  • No water and mascara on the lashes for 48 hours after the treatment 
  • No steam, no heavy exercising that would cause excessive sweating, no hair washing (at home) for 48 hours after etc. 
  • No lash Serums, lash extensions, eye creams for 48 hours. 
  • Use oil free make up remover wipes to wash your face after the treatment 

We are a certified YUMILashes shop. 

YUMILashes was founded by Swiss Derma-PigmentOlogist and permanent makeup expert artist, as a luxurious alternative to eyelash extensions, fake eyelashes, false lashes and growth serums.

Keratin Lash Lift